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Pastors’ Day at the Indiana State House

Pastors Day at Statehouse thumb (2)Indiana pastors were invited to the State House in Indianapolis on Feb. 18 to be part of a Pastors’ Day. Chaplain Matt Barnes has organized and hosted this special day biannually since 2010, for the purpose of helping pastors interact with the state legislators. This year Chaplain John Murdoch, director of Regular Baptist Chaplaincy Ministries, was able to be a part of this event.

When the pastors gather, they first hear from legislators from both sides of the aisle, lobbyists, or staff members, each selected by Chaplain Barnes. Each one is a professing believer and takes about 10 minutes to express appreciation for the pastors, give some insight into the nature of their challenges, and demonstrate that God has His people in every level in the State House.

Lunch is then provided by Chick-fil-A under the rotunda for the pastors and congressmen, giving the pastors the opportunity to meet and visit with the elected officials from their districts. Afterwards, freshmen lawmakers are presented with a Thompson Chain Bible (Thompson because it is printed in Indianapolis), and all the guests receive a Capitol Commission mug. Pastors also receive a poster with photographs of all the elected officials.

Chaplain Barnes is excited about the response to his Pastors’ Day efforts. Pastors return home encouraged to have met so many officials who are committed to Christ, and challenged to pray more faithfully for the legislators and their needs. Legislators are happy to have interacted with pastors who can be a resource to them in the future and who assure them of prayer for them and their families.

God is touching lives in the Indianapolis State House through personal interaction and expanded prayer support. “Seek the peace of the city . . . and pray to the Lord for it; for in its peace you will have peace” (Jeremiah 29:7).